Monday, February 8, 2010

Ash Stymest - it's just not a backstage without him

I missed Ash Stymest being backstage this season. You could really tell the difference. He rarks everybody up and it makes for a far more entertaining backstage. Compare the backstage photographs from this season and last. You'll see what I mean.


  1. You love him Isaac, admit it, just like every body else.
    I think it is genius they way his agency is handling him. They got him in everywhere and he stayed in everywhere on personality and ability. Then, just before the backlash and the hate started, they pull him out. Every little thing about him gets reblogged religiously and thus he has lost none of his online popularity. It is even worse I think. Yay Ash!

  2. Of course I love him... didn't you read what I wrote above?

  3. Haha... Of course I read it. You did not SAY the LOVE. But you are male and it is hard for men to say the word LOVE. As in I love Ashley Stymest, not I miss. But I forgive you.

  4. Haha... But you did not say LOVE. As in I LOVE ASHLEY STYMEST. I know you are a man and it is hard for men to say they LOVE. I forgive you.

    What are you doing for Valentine's?
