Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Going with the flow

'Going with the flow' in a relationship is a clever ruse created by males who want to keep getting theirs from a girl without any form of commitment. If he can get away with it, he's smart. If he can get the girl to believe it was her idea in the first place, he's realllllllly smart.


  1. isaac you are not terrible enough to believe that statement?!
    to all the boys in the world that think they are the only ones who dont want commitment...
    you are sadly mistaken

    (from a girl... albeit an anonymous one)

  2. I agree with the above comment,
    also; is it just my immature mind, or is 'going with the flow' a bit rude?

  3. All was missing from your immature post is the great Borat quote, "womens brain is like squirrels"

